A Labor of LOVE

The Passion Behind the Purpose

Our Labour of LOVE has arrived!! The Inaugural issue of SynerG Magazine. Words cannot express the gratitude I have for my team who have been unstoppable in ensuring that we provide you with an experience that will leave you with the questions; How will history remember you?
This issue is our way of inspiring the world to rise up and I dedicate this creation to humanity in an effort to speak against the indulgence of fear. HOPE is the ANCHOR for the SOUL, this is the intention behind our magazine and for the words to lift off the page into your heart and empower you to contribute towards building a generous economy.  From our hearts to yours we hope you enjoy what we created for you. 
Audrey Hlembizky/Synerg Media

“My religion if very simple. My religion is kindness”

Dalai Lama

“Be truthful, gentle and fearless”


“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless”

Mother Theresa