Good news feeds the soul. Inspires us to take bold actions to give up needing to be greater than others, rather unite as one so that peace is felt in the hearts of every human being

True Stories to Empower You

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Why is community so important? Why do we feel the need as human beings to come together?

Human beings are not designed to be alone. We were created to walk hand in hand with others; to unite our collective wisdom; to reach new heights through love; to support and merge our beliefs; to motivate and inspire one another and live in the richness of generosity.

We are all born knowing to love; what is learnt is to hate and judge because it is not part of our natural state, when those feelings and experiences arise we become conflicted, causing happiness and joy to disappear. We are a product of our surroundings, we organically become what we think about and what we talk about. When you are part of a support structure designed to have you live a life you love, everything unfolds the way life is meant to be: Happy.

Community is our access to having a happy culture; one that stands for greatness, growth, and the genuine gift of giving. When people come together to make things happen, that is a community: to rise and lift others, to collaborate and expand, to move shoulder to shoulder, and know as a community there is nothing that cannot be done.

SynerG Media is a resource for all communities, to share your wisdom, your love, and acknowledgment of your achievements and life stories. We know that without the foundation of community, we would not even be able to provide this platform. As part of our on-going commitment to give back, we will be launching a community directory for people and organizations who are out there making a difference, regardless of your size. If you are leading and living your life purpose and impacting the lives of others, we are here to support you.

This Spring the Community Catalogue of Change Agents is open to submissions for a free listing, that will also include a feature write up of your organization.

It is our great honor to be able to feature who you are and how you are making a difference.

To submit your organization please send a request for our online form to:

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

Martin Luther King Jr

“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us. And the world will live as one.”

John Lennon

“The willingness to show up changes us, it makes us a little braver each time.”

Brene Brown


SynerG Media invites you to share and submit YOUR story.

If you are an Indie Writer, Student Journalist, or someone who is passionate about sharing your personal triumph, contribution, or community news, we want to hear from you.
Our organization is committed to delivering news that matters for the people, by the people and that means YOU.  You are a key component to the longevity of this media platform and we are committed to having you be an essential part of our legacy.
You know in your heart when there is a call to such an endeavor if that call is for you. Therefore if your heart is telling you to do so, follow it
Submit your story via email to

Create a symphony of moments that trigger a wave of change and inspires a new generation of leaders that believe it is is cool to be a PEACE Rock star!


Mahatma Gandhi said, “the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”. This spring, SynerG Media will launch an initiative to support the long list of organizations that require volunteers. Our goal is to bridge the gap between the organization and the people who want to get involved.


Audrey Hlembizky/Synerg Media
Audrey Hlembizky/Synerg Media