Good news feeds the soul. Inspires us to take bold actions to give up needing to be greater than others, rather unite as one so that peace is felt in the harts of every human being.
SynerG Media has a sacred request to plant the seed of generosity and open yourself inward. Most of us often look the wrong way, looking outside ourselves for solutions to create a world free of hate, war, racism and poverty.  As you open inward, look to see what you CAN do, what you WILL do and what you are CALLED to do. The only way we can change our world is if each person takes on the responsibility of making it happen.  Getting involved in a project, a community initiative, mentoring, volunteering or participating in acts of kindness, is the way to be part of a global shift. To BE the Change we will see in our lifetime.
Our organization is committed to supporting you so you can go and pay it forward. We invite you to volunteer for an organization or submit stories of hope, heroic actions and news that matters. We are ready when you are and what greater time to start than now!

Create a symphony of moments that trigger a wave of change and inspires a new generation of leaders that believe it is is cool to be a PEACE Rock star!


Mahatma Gandhi said, “the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”.

Many of us are often stopped when it comes to wanting to go out in the world and make a difference as we believe the only way we can is when we are in a financial position to do so. What you may not realize is that there is a greater need for human assistance than there is for financial funding. Both are equally important, as there are numerous organizations that are in need of people resources.
SynerG Media has identified a void in the world of philanthropy. With the rise of non-profits, social movements, and the evolution of change agents, now, more than ever there is a call out for your support.
This spring, SynerG Media will launch an initiative to support the long list of organizations that require volunteers. Our goal is to bridge the gap between the organizations and the people who want to get involved. Our hope is to ignite a call- to-action that empowers people to reach out and know they CAN be the difference they want to see in the world.
Our unique process will ensure a match of the volunteer to the organization based on personal passion, and the volunteer’s own life purpose.
For more information about volunteer opportunities or to submit your organization for review please email us at:

“The willingness to show up changes us, it makes us a little braver each time.”

Brene Brown

“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us. And the world will live as one.”

John Lennon

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

Martin Luther King Jr