What do you think about at night right before bed?  Or when you close your eyes to go to sleep? What conversations or thoughts are going through your head?

Before the global pandemic, I was one of those fortunate people who could fall asleep within minutes of my head hitting the pillow.  I was averaging 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night, had a job that I loved, and could always set aside those thoughts in my head until the next day. These days, it is often a struggle to clear my mind and get to sleep easily. I am working early morning shifts so the exhaustion that sets in right after dinner is helpful in abating those thoughts that creep in to steal my power and my sleep. 

In my research of this topic, I asked these questions of many people and was ultimately surprised at some of the answers and reminded again about the absolute resilience of human beings. 

So many of our industry colleagues find themselves without a job right now. So many questions running through their minds and causing anxiety, especially at night.  Here are some examples:

When will this be over?

How did I get here? 

When will I find a job?  Will it be in the industry that I love?

Will it be enough so that I can pay my bills?


Shaina Turgeon, Co-Founder of Gemstone Event Management Inc., wishes she had a crystal ball as “It is hard to plan without a timeline!” 

Quite a few mentioned being concerned for their family, friends, and colleagues. Kimberley Clarke, President, KCI Management Inc., stated “My one concern is my team. They ARE the business and I worry about them all the time, but especially now. I often think about who is working on what, how they are doing, and always consider what more I could do to support them.”

Organizations have moved quickly to put safety protocols into place for both associates and customers. As a result, their senior leadership teams remain positive. James Henry, VP of Hospitality at Blue Mountain Resorts LP had this to say “Perhaps it is the real glimpse of success that our destination saw as we re-opened our lodging and attractions over the summer that keeps me very optimistic about the future. I have experienced true innovation in the way our teams have adjusted protocols, pivoted operations and leveraged technology to create incrementally safer and engaging experiences for our employees and guests.”

The President of a charitable organization told me this “We’ve raised more money than ever before and have been able to launch an entirely new arm dedicated to feeding the hungry and homeless.”

What remains is HOPE so let it shine like a beacon and send this virus six feet underground. 

Janice Cardinale, Founder of The Idea Hunter said “Ideas are like energy. They engage the mind. Creative vision and passion are the fuels that send my mind into overdrive until the wee hours of the morning.” 

If your conversations under the covers are keeping you awake, I encourage you to take a few moments before bed and write down your thoughts. This way, they are out of your head, those ideas are stored, and you can rest peacefully. 

Sweet dreams to you all and good night!